Imbusi, Imbwa Nende Ing’Ombe
Fabian Wakholi
Marleen Visser

Imbusi, Imbwa nende Ing'ombe bali abetsa abakhongo. Inyanga ndala batsia oluchendo mumutoka.


Ngala batukha eshiakamo shio oluchendo, omwirusi wa mutoka nabareba amamondo buli mundu. Ing'ombe yarunga amamondo kayo.


Imbwa niirunga amanji kho khulwokhubera yali niibula amapesa akayerana.


Olwa omwirusi wo mutoka yali ambi okhuwa Imbwa kali katonyere, ne Imbusi niirwatsukha tsimbiro niishiri okhurunga.


Omwirusi yasinyikha muno. Niyerusia mutoka nashiri okhukalusiria Imbwa amamondo kali katonyere.


Esho ne shifune eshichiranga okhula lero, Imbwa niilola mutoka, irenjeranga mukari khulwokhubera omwirusi wo mutoka yatong'a nende amamondo kayo.


Nayo Imbusi niulire oluyoka lwo mutoka, neirukha. Yaria yakhatirwa khulwo khukhaya khurunga amamondo.


Nayo Ing'ombe siyisundukhanga mutoka nikwitsa tawe. Ing'ombe ibukulanga efise fiayo okhukhalasia omwanda. Okhubera yamanya yarunga amamondo kosi.

You are free to download, copy, translate or adapt this story and use the illustrations as long as you attribute in the following way:
Imbusi, Imbwa Nende Ing’Ombe
Author - Fabian Wakholi
Translation - Margaret Amateshe
Illustration - Marleen Visser
Language - Oluwanga
Level - First sentences