Tor u Mbaikya
Bonsamo Miesso
Isaac Okwir

Zege tingye ikya lu a gôgô nongu u mbaikya mba dondon un.

Lu dyuran orhemen.


Zege mbaikyaav mbagen kpa ve lu ken nongo la. Un a nande yô mbagenev kpaa ve nande. Or u hemen jimjim lu ican u fan.


Mbaikya mbagenev gema kaa a tor ve er, "Doo u man u lu a ikyav, I vesen sha er se fa mkposo wou vea mbagenev yô. Nahan se dondon imo you vough vough."


"Ka shami," tor ikya kpaa lumun. "Mo me kange tsar sha ityo. Kpa aluer mkange tsar la yô, ne lumun a hanmô kwagh u m kaa me er nen yô." Ve cii ve lumun.


Tsô tingye ikya ugen kange tor ikya tsar sha ityo. Tor ikya kaa er, "Hii nyian zanzan yem ken hemen, m soo Ityough ki taver ga. Hanmô kwagh u m er yô ne er.


Zum u tor ikya un a tsuwe yô, mbagenev cii kpaa ve tsuwe. Un a tema ve kpaa ve tema. Un a nande ve cii ve nande.


Er shie za zanzan yô, tsar la lu hemban tsulen a tsule.


Yange igen yô, tor ikya tema kaa ave sha ityo kaa er, "Ityough ki nôngun ape paven mo.


Mbaikya cii tema kaa ave sha ityo kaa er, "Ityough ki nôngun ape paven mo."


Tor ikya kaa er, "Ka mimi wam je oo!" Mbaikya cii kaa er, "Ka mimi wam je oo!" Tor ikya kaa er, "Kwagh ne un a wuam oo!" Mbaikya cii ger er, "Kwagh ne un a wuam oo!"


Tor ikya man osugh sha vande sen ityough tingir. Ve cii ve kaveun ve menger sha vande. Tor ikya hii u nôngon tumen angahar. Ve cii ve gba nôngun tumen angahar.


Shin er ve mbagenev ve war nahan kpaa, Tor ikya kpe, gadia a vihi iyol kehelee je.

You are free to download, copy, translate or adapt this story and use the illustrations as long as you attribute in the following way:
Tor u Mbaikya
Author - Bonsamo Miesso, Elizabeth Laird
Translation - Terkule Aorabee
Illustration - Isaac Okwir
Language - Tiv
Level - First paragraphs