There was an old lady with stomach ache.
A fairy flew by and stopped to ask why the old lady was crying.
"I have a terrible stomach ache," she wept. "Can you help me?"
The fairy said, "No, I can't help you. I'm Sibusiso, the evil fairy. I only do bad things."
"Then please, go away," said the woman.
With an evil chuckle, Sibusiso disappeared. (He became invisible.)
The old lady rubbed her stomach. Before long, another fairy came along.
This fairy, named Khumo, also asked what was wrong.
"My stomach is sore!" moaned the old woman.
Khumo responded, "I can help! I will make some medicine for you."
Invisible Sibusiso was watching.
He used his magic to send Khumo to the future.
The old lady was surprised, and looked around.
She couldn't see anyone. She wondered what had happened to Khumo.
The old lady started moaning again.
A third fairy flew past, and asked her what was wrong.
"I have pain in my stomach!" she cried.
The old lady was losing patience with the fairies.
Without waiting for the third fairy to reply, Sibusiso sent him to the past.
Sibusiso started giggling. The old lady heard him.
She got up and began to beat the air with her stick.
Her stick hit Sibusiso, smack! "What is wrong with you?" she shouted.
Oww!" he shrieked, and became visible as he fell from the air. "I can't help it! I'm an evil fairy."
"You can change your ways!" exclaimed the old lady.