Onzi Mini Mima Aadrii Kuzu A’Dule Ri
Catherine Groenewald

I dance when I am happy, I dance when I am sad, I dance when I am lonely, I dance when I am mad.


My teacher says, "Sit still! Don't dance about all day."


But my mother says, "Dancing makes you healthy, Dancing makes you tall, One day you'll be a dancer, And surprise them all!"


And I say, "One day I'll dance and people will pay Just to see me leap and twirl" 'Her dancing is SO good', they'll say.


You are free to download, copy, translate or adapt this story and use the illustrations as long as you attribute in the following way:
Onzi Mini Mima Aadrii Kuzu A’Dule Ri
Author -
Translation -
Illustration - Catherine Groenewald
Language - Lugbarati
Level - First sentences