Pretty golden pen
Ahmed Mardiya
Andrews Opoku Antwi

Long ago, in Pen Village, lived many pens.


There was Golden, Bic, Ballpoint, Gel, Marker, and others.


Golden was a pretty girl.

All the other pens in Pen Village wished to be like her.


Bic was Golden’s best friend.

“I will be the happiest pen in the whole of Pen Village if I get to be like Golden,” thought Bic.


But Golden was always sad and worried. She chose a lonely life away from all who loved her.


Nobody in Pen Village knew why Golden was always sad and worried. They believed she had all the reasons to be happy.


However, Golden had a big secret only she knew about.

What was Golden’s secret?


Although Golden was pretty and adored, she had no ink!

“Of what use is a Golden pen without ink?” cried Golden.

You are free to download, copy, translate or adapt this story and use the illustrations as long as you attribute in the following way:
Pretty golden pen
Author - Ahmed Mardiya, Ibrahim Sharifa
Translation - Ahmed Mardiya, Ibrahim Sharifa
Illustration - Andrews Opoku Antwi, Michelangelo Quaye Anang
Language - English
Level - First sentences